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  • Why Security Operations Center is Important for Your Business

    Published: Apr 12, 2019  |   | 
    security operations center

    We live in a data-driven age. Technological advancements have enabled us to store, share, and access critical business data anywhere. But then, hackers are also using sophisticated software and techniques to make data protection more challenging than ever. There, a Security Operations Center or SOC lends a helping hand. Read on to know how it can benefit modern business in safeguarding data.

    What is Security Operations Center?

    The Security Operations Center is a team consists of cybersecurity experts and trained engineers. It is different than other IT departments because SOC is dedicated to performing advanced IT security operations. Security operations center services are aimed at preventing any threats to cybersecurity by early detection and response to any incident of hacking or data breach.

    The SOC monitors computers, networks, and servers on a 24/7 basis. It uses a huge range of computer programs and follows the specialized security procedures to find any loopholes in the digital infrastructure. Firewalls, security information, event management systems, and data-related solutions are key technologies involved in SOC as a services.

    Importance of Security Operations Center

    We witness a significant rise in the incidents of data breach these days. A recent study has found that one in four organizations in the US is facing a security breach within a year. It is, therefore, important for modern businesses to protect their data. Entrepreneurs tend to explore new and reliable methods to prevent potential cyber attacks. Some of them are

    • Scanning the network regularly
    • Outsourcing cybersecurity
    • Integrating software to prevent a data breach
    • Incorporating SOC services

    Out of these popular methods, the incorporation of Security Operations Center in the existing system is gaining ground swiftly across various industry sectors worldwide. The reason is simple- the SOC team can respond to any potential threats more effectively by extensive analysis and identifying exceptions. SOC keeps focus on vulnerabilities of the system and strengthens the defense. SOC can monitor multiple factors irrespective of in-house or outsourcing options.

    The main objective of the security operations center is to prevent any kind of data breaches and minimizing the loss occurred due to cybercrimes. The public sector, healthcare, BFSI, education system, and retail sectors can remain the biggest beneficiaries of SOC services. Apart from these sectors, any data-related businesses can take benefits of SOC. Here are a few aspects addressed by SOC.

    • Early Detection

    SOCs can detect the developing threats early by active monitoring of hardware and software. You can count on security operations center services for identifying any malicious activities at the initial level so that they cannot harm your network.

    • Proactive Measures

    SOCs can take necessary measures to prevent any major cyber attack. SOCs can use the latest tools and technologies to establish awareness of servers, network, and overall digital infrastructure.

    • Proper Management

    SOC can manage logs and responses even during the incident of a data breach. It enables you to retrace your steps to find the loopholes and assists the forensic investigation by providing information on logging activities and communications.

    • High Vigilance

    It is one of the major tasks of SOCs. When the SOC detects any irregularity or malfunction, it shows high vigilance and gives ranks as per the severity of incidents. It prioritizes the aggressive intrusion and focuses on eliminating the major threat.

    • Constant Monitoring

    SOC services are made to monitor the entire digital processes to neutralize occasional breaches. What’s more, SOCs take protective measures while following the compliance in the case of a cyber attack.

    By performing these tasks, SOC can keep the company protected against any sort of malware attack or cyber crimes.

    Major Business Benefits of Security Operations Center

    When it comes to strengthening the cybersecurity, SOC services always lend a helping hand. Here are some key benefits of a security operations center for your business.

    1. Asset Centralization

    The SOC services can enable you to get a real-time and holistic view of the digital infrastructure of your company. It is easy to identify the potential threats through this centralized asset as the SOC can continuously monitor it. In a way, you can remain assured for smooth operations.

    2. Enhanced Trust

    When personal data of employees and customers are safe, their trust toward your business is increased. SOC provides you high-level of data security against any cyber attack. It is fair to mention that taking proactive and powerful measures to prevent data theft or breach is one of the best ways to enhance the brand reputation in a long time.

    3. Better Collaboration

    The security operations center is a team of highly skilled professionals who are working toward a common goal- data security. When they prevent all the departments from any cybersecurity-related breaches, the departments also operate efficiently and maintain the synergy between one another. SOCs can facilitate the departments to coordinate and communicate while resolving the issue pertaining to data safety.

    4. Higher Awareness

    This is one of the most noteworthy benefits of SOC. It can maximize awareness and thereby reducing the possibility of data loss. As a result, you can expect a higher ROI while preventing data breaches. SOCs also facilitate entrepreneurs to save big and maintain the integration of sensitive corporate data. Finally, you can get rid of giving ransom to hackers.

    We come across new innovations and strategies in the ever-changing technology domain. Also, the highly competitive business scenario brings newer challenges for entrepreneurs. In such a situation, it is of paramount importance to protect personal and sensitive information to maintain trust of your customers. SOC can help you out in achieving this goal through diversified models. All you need to get high-quality SOC services from a reliable technology partner.

    Wrapping Up

    At Silver Touch, we are committed to provide enterprise-grade SOC services. Our experienced professionals ensure the protection of your valuable business data and you can get peace of mind. If you want to know more about our services or how SOC can benefit your business, just contact us at Our executives will get back to you soon.

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