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  • How to Choose the Right Partner for Digital Transformation in 2023

    Published: Dec 21, 2021  |   | 
    digital transformation partner in 2022

    Let’s face it. As per a McKinsey study, almost 70% of all transformations fail to deliver just because they are not transformative in the real sense. Merely moving legacy apps to the cloud or upgrading ERP systems is not digital transformation. We can call them business differentiators that are short-lived. Simply put, digital transformation solutions should be aligned with your long-term goals and capable of delivering new value with excellent experiences.

    In this technology-driven world, it is imperative for you to find the right partner for transforming business processes. Be it digital transformation consulting or implementation, the right partner can always help you leverage the benefits of advancing technology. But then, most CIOs find it challenging to choose the right partner these days. In this blog, we are going to discuss some of the useful tips to choose the right digital transformation partner for your business IT solutions. 

    Why is it challenging to find the right partner for transforming processes?

    Enterprise digital transformation projects need specialized skills and insights to ensure that all major objectives are achieved. Digital transformation is an ongoing process and it requires many aspects including the business model and market trends to consider. Most enterprises lack such capabilities, and therefore, they have to depend on a third-party digital transformation services provider.

    These days, many companies offer digital transformation solutions for modern enterprises. Selecting the most suitable partner from all available options is like finding a needle in a haystack. You need to match strengths and weaknesses with the partner’s expertise and capabilities. As a CEO or CIO, you have a better idea of your company’s requirements and expectations, but it is difficult to find a partner who can address them efficiently.

    Let’s dig deep into the strategies and steps you can consider to choose the right partner.

    How to Choose a Digital Transformation Partner to Ensure Success?

    It all starts with identifying the strengths of your company. At times, your company may have more expertise among employees than you have ever realized. You can start with identifying these hidden skills before opting for IT solutions. While working with team leads and project managers, you can conduct assessments of employees. You can also take their work history, interests, and aptitudes into account to find in-house skills.

    You can connect such talented employees with a digital transformation services provider to bridge the gap between advanced features and knowledge. The second step is making a list of requirements that you want to fulfill with the help of business solutions. You need to assign a specific budget for the same as well. However, here it is better to keep in mind that this budget can be changed as the project advances.

    Also Read- Importance of AI in Digital Transformation

    Once you are done with making a strategy and an in-house team to collaborate, you can locate the right partner. We can give four parameters to look for in the right digital transformation partner. These parameters are :


    Though many IT companies offer digital transformation services, only a few of them have successfully transformed the key processes of their clients’ enterprises. Whenever you want to select the right partner, always ask for proof of their successes. You can see demos and case studies of systems, projects, and industries similar to that of your enterprise. Digital transformation is a long and expensive journey with a lot of challenges, therefore, your technical partner’s performance and success rate always matter.


    Nowadays, technology evolves at a rapid pace. Also, the expectations of tech-savvy customers keep on changing quickly. In such a scenario, your digital transformation partner should have the right combination of skills and experience. The right partner is one who is capable of handling both legacy IT and modern IT solutions. You can easily drive digital transformation initiatives with the help of a partner who has domain expertise in all emerging technologies and hands-on experiences in using cutting-edge tools.


    IT companies with robust digital infrastructure and advanced technologies can come up with future-ready digital transformation solutions. Here, you need to make sure that the chosen digital transformation partner should be specialized in the technologies you require for your company. Also, capabilities for upgrading the system over the period and analyzing the performance of digital transformation solutions on a regular basis should be checked. The right partner has the right combination of services, tools, and solutions for every requirement.


    Real-time technical assistance is necessary for all IT services and digital transformation service is no exception! Many IT-related projects fail simply because of the lack of communication and support. You need to ensure that there is no lack of communication at every stage of transforming your processes digitally. You can opt for digital transformation consulting to know the support you require after integrating digital transformation solutions into your business system.

    Along with this, your partner should be capable of measuring the overall success of the digital transformation initiative. Measuring the success of the digital transformation is complex and a bit tricky, however, you can consider the parameters like flexibility, reduction in operational costs, and improvement in market share. You can also check the impact on revenue opportunities and user engagement over the period.

    Concluding Lines

    You need the right digital transformation partner to accelerate your company’s ability to leverage advancements in emerging technologies. Such a partner not only assists you in making a roadmap but also helps it implement in a proper way. You can easily stay ahead of the curve by integrating digital transformation solutions into your enterprise. We hope that the above-mentioned strategies will assist you to find the right digital services provider.

    At Silver Touch Technologies, we strive to drive transformation across various industry sectors by combining domain expertise, customer experience, and digitization capabilities. Our 4Ps methodology consists of people, process, portfolio, and platform to implement innovative business solutions. Simply send us an email at to know more about our digital transformation services. Our experienced business consultants will be glad to assist you.

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