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  • Basics for Robotic Process Automation Development Lifecycle

    Published: Jul 6, 2020  |   | 
    Basics for RPA Development Lifecycle

    Yes, since years we have seen so many technological changes in the IT industry. As the trends change, the transformation and meeting business ends come into the picture. From desktop applications to networking applications, from ERP to Cloud, the changes are a lot. Still, there is a GAP! As you fulfil one requirement, the other need to manage and maintain the function buds in.

    Robotic Process Automation, RPA is the trend that is the prime requisite of giant enterprises in this technological transformation era. RPA reduces operational costs and improves efficiency. So, RPA is the prime need of every organization.

    Here are few basics regarding automation development and deployment. This showcases the path towards RPA implementation in your Organization. Being the Business Owners it is your outlook to introspect which task is consuming lot of human efforts.

    Identify Process Indicators that can lead you to recognize or qualify the process for automation!

    Reduce Human Efforts & Increase Productivity

    1. Human Efforts: First of all, identify those processes that consume a lot of human efforts due to which the deliverables get delayed. Find out those processes that can be easily copied and carried to next application. Then you need to check whether the human interference is needed and at how many levels? Processes with no human interference better fit the Robotic Process Automation, (RPA) equation as Bot need not wait for the action, instead it will intelligently accomplish required steps to provide the end data/output for next process.

    human efforts

    2. Hours Spent: Calculate total number of hours per day, the resource is sparing to accomplish the activity by performing daily routine tasks. High the number of hours high the need for automation.

    3. Frequency of the process being performed: Spot those processes that consume enormous hours for completing mundane tasks on daily basis. If the activity is performed twice or thrice, then you may omit considering it for automation. More frequent, higher the chances to qualify for automation.

    4. Average Pay/Hour: Calculate average pay per hour thereby calculating the annual payout for the activity.

    pay per hour

    List out the business priorities that can make a difference to the process implementation like employee Morale, Customer Satisfaction, Regulatory Compliance and the complexity to automate.

    Considering the process priority and complexity select the process for automation. Once you select the process for automation, proposed use case is developed in selected RPA tool. Setup your bot considering all constraints. Once the bot is developed test it under UAT environment. After successful testing migrate the bots with all dependencies to deployment server, the objective of deployment planning is to ensure that the changes deployed into production environment are executed in a structural manner. You should be able schedule and execute bots as per requirements. Ensure that the deployment packages are tracked, installed, tested and verified as appropriate.


    Define the deployment plan with stakeholders, ensure that all infrastructure is verified and changes are managed. Proper knowledge transfer builds confidence. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) or simply the Bots can interact with the presentation layer –the GUI –just like a human, interacts with any application and can work in any environment, validates data, takes rule-based decisions and works round the clock.


    Working in a techno-savvy environment, experiencing the transforming technologies one can win the situation by automating core processes and mundane tasks. Unlike manual tasks, bots provide highly accurate data ruling out errors. RPA will be helpful in changing the business landscape to allow lower costs, enhanced profitability, and more satisfied customers.

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