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  • A 7-Step Model for Ensuring Successful Migration into the Cloud

    Published: May 13, 2024  |   | 
    A 7-Step Model for Ensuring Successful Migration into the Cloud

    Competitive scenarios and macroeconomic challenges demand massive changes in the way businesses operate globally. The Q4 2022 Google Cloud Brand Pulse Survey has revealed that 41.4 percent of companies’ cloud leaders reported increased usage of cloud-based services. However, migration into the cloud poses different challenges and therefore, it is necessary to implement a tested 7-step model of migration into the cloud.

    In this post, we will go through the benefits of migrating the data into the cloud with challenges and a 7-step model of migration. Let’s start from scratch and understand the concept of cloud migration.

    What is Cloud Migration?

    Cloud data migration or simply cloud migration is a process that involves transferring the company’s digital assets, IT resources, services, databases, and workloads from on-premises warehouses to cloud-powered servers. It offers many benefits to modern businesses including agility, scalability, cost optimization, and the scope of innovation.

    Migration into the cloud facilitates companies to leverage the vast amounts of data they generate every day with efficient storage and excellent accessibility.

    Let’s describe the core benefits of migrating data into the cloud.

    Benefits of Data Migration to the Cloud

    Data migration offers numerous benefits for businesses of all sectors. Companies can achieve significant scalability by adjusting their resources to meet evolving needs. Cloud-based solutions offer cost-effectiveness, improving budgets by eliminating the need for upfront investments in hardware. Moreover, a reputed cloud migration services provider can ensure that the integration with existing business systems remains smooth with streamlined operations.

    Cloud migration can also offer disaster recovery with quick and easy restoration options. Businesses gain flexibility by adjusting bandwidth and storage requirements. Another advantage is increased mobility with the higher capability of accessing data and applications from anywhere, anytime. Cloud solutions can help companies mitigate security concerns with robust data protection and privacy features.

    Additionally, businesses can get rid of the burden of infrastructure maintenance, and focus more on core competencies. Cloud data migration fosters competitiveness by providing access to enterprise-grade technology, keeping businesses at the forefront. Cloud solutions are often environmentally friendly, reducing an organization's overall carbon footprint.

    However, it is essential to overcome certain challenges to leverage the benefits of cloud migration.

    Challenges of Data Migration in the Cloud

    Migration of corporate data into the cloud poses various challenges for companies. Here we mention the top challenges that you need to address-

    Data Volume

    When moving large datasets to the cloud, it can be slow and resource-heavy. Careful planning is therefore necessary to minimize downtime and ensure data integrity.

    Data Complexity

    Legacy systems often have incompatible formats and inconsistent quality. Data transformation, cleansing, and standardization are essential to address this complexity-related challenge.

    Data Security and Compliance

    It is crucial to evaluate cloud providers' security measures and compliance certifications. Cloud service providers must address encryption, access controls, and regulations.

    Bandwidth Limitations

    Inadequate bandwidth can slow the migration process. Cloud service providers should assess network infrastructure and consider data compression or incremental backups.

    Compatibility Issue

    Some applications might not work seamlessly in the cloud. Therefore, some modifications or customization in them becomes necessary, impacting timelines and costs.

    Stakeholder Coordination

    A clear migration plan with defined roles, responsibilities, and communication is imperative. Companies need to assign tasks properly to ensure proper execution.

    Types of Cloud Migration

    A cloud migration strategy involves two key options- deployment model and service category. Deployment models include public cloud (shared resources), private cloud (dedicated resources), hybrid cloud (combination), and multi-cloud (multiple cloud providers). Service categories include SaaS (software as a service, pay-per-use), PaaS (platform as a service, build and deploy apps), and IaaS (infrastructure as a service, rent computing resources).

    Apart from these options, we have different migration approaches known as 'R's for the cloud technology. The simplest of them is "lift and shift" (Re-hosting), where existing applications and data move directly from on-premises servers to the cloud. Another option is "Re-platforming," which involves migrating to a new cloud-based operating system for potential cost savings. "Re-factoring" focuses on upgrading application components to meet current standards.

    Other types are repurchasing, retiring, and retaining for migrating the data to the cloud.

    Moreover, cloud migration involves moving between cloud providers (cloud-to-cloud) or even bringing applications back on-premises (unclouding or de-clouding).

    7-Step Model of Migration into a Cloud


    Here is a 7-step model for making cloud data migration successful-

    Step 1. Create a Plan

    It minimizes risks and sets clear expectations. It can involve bi-directional or one-way syncing with on-premises access during migration. Companies can consider a cloud migration service provider for internal skill development.

    Step 2. Understanding the Data

    Companies need to analyze data scope and context to avoid code errors and unnecessary data transfer. This streamlines the migration process and saves valuable time for service providers as well as companies. After this step, companies can select the most suitable migration method.

    Step 3. Select the Best Method

    Companies can select the right cloud migration type from the following ones-

    Shallow Integration (lift and shift)- This involves simply copying data and applications to the cloud.

    Deep Integration- It involves decoupling resources and adjusting them before cloud integration (potentially more expensive initially but cost-saving in the long run).

    Step 4. Train Your Staff

    Cloud environments differ from on-premises infrastructure. It is, therefore, essential to train staff or outsource to experienced cloud professionals. Alternatively, companies can retrain existing staff for in-house management. Cloud education is crucial before migration.

    Step 5. Assess Migration Tools

    It is crucial to choose the right tools for specific data types- (structured, unstructured, or semi-structured). Advanced tools and techniques can ensure companies accomplish the data migration process smoothly. It is better to consult the cloud service provider for assessment.

    Step 6. Prioritize Data Security

    Companies can evaluate the cloud provider's security measures and ensure compliance. It is necessary to understand security risks and implement data protection measures like encryption thoroughly to leverage their benefits and meet compliance.

    Step 7. Monitor and Optimize

    This is a final stage that includes continuous monitoring of the cloud environment for optimal performance and quick issue resolution. Companies can opt for automated backups, disaster recovery, and scaling processes to reduce costs and maximize ROI on cloud investment.

    It is advisable to consult a reputed cloud service provider to follow this 7-step model of migration into the cloud. Silver Cloud is a renowned name among cloud migration service providers.

    How Silver Cloud Helps with Cloud Migration

    Silver Cloud has a dedicated cloud hosting data center to offer 24x7 cloud infra monitoring and management. This robust solution offers flexible deployment of a cloud-driven system with competent cloud service plans. It ensures a 99.9 percent uptime guarantee for the cloud infrastructure with multiple power feeds. Silver Cloud is also compliant with SAP Business One and other customized web applications.

    Companies can get cutting-edge cloud solutions and seamless migration into the cloud. Modern enterprises can get the advantage of scalable infrastructure and security check with seamless integration capabilities with Silver Cloud. Get the FREE Trial to see how Silver Cloud can meet your diverse and complex business needs effectively! Contact us to learn more about our cloud solutions or share your business requirements, and our expert consultants will contact you soon.


    What is the 7-step cloud migration model?

    The 7-step cloud migration model breaks down the entire migration process into seven stages: assessment, isolation, mapping, re-architecting, augmentation, validation, and optimization.

    What are the types of cloud migration?

    Different cloud migration types or strategies are Rehosting, Re-platforming, and Re-factoring. Other types include repurchasing, retiring, and retaining.

    What's involved in the isolation stage?

    In this stage, you prepare your data for migration by cleaning it, ensuring proper organization, and potentially converting it to a format compatible with your cloud provider.

    What does the mapping stage do?

    The mapping stage defines where your data and applications will reside. The company will also decide what stays on-premises and what will migrate to the cloud.

    What is necessary to ensure a successful migration?

    Successful migration requires the proper execution of all the seven steps of the cloud migration model.

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